Restauration dans l’établissement Moxy Sophia Antipolis

Profitez des repas et boissons proposés au sein de l’établissement Moxy Sophia Antipolis

Dans cet hôtel

Grab & Go

24/7 Grab and Go


Des en-cas et des boissons sont disponibles 24h/24, 7j/7, et il y en a pour tous les goûts : collations équilibrées, boissons fraîches, bouchées à croquer et en-cas sucrés satisferont les amateurs de visites comme les fêtards. Choisissez ce qui vous plaît, payez au bar et c’est parti !

Poolside Bar

Poolside Bar

Tous les jours
8 h 00 - 20 h 00

Plus d'options à proximité


0.5 km

Brew Pub, French, Bar, Mediterranean, Thai, Pub, Wine Bar.

0.6 km

Professional and experienced, our pizza makers invite you to taste delicious pizzas. With 20 years of experience, we also offer Italian cuisine . Come and enjoy a moment of pleasure and taste our Italian pizza.
Le Golf Provençal

1.3 km

The provencal offers a complete offer. From classic or gourmet breakfast, to lunches and snacks.

1.5 km

Creative mediterranean cuisine.
Les Arcades

3.8 km

Push the doors of the Arcades! With its 12 rooms and its restaurant serving traditional Provençal cuisine, the establishment is the ideal place to relax. For more information on our services.
Auberge du Pylone

6.1 km

La Menthe Douce

6.3 km

The oriental atmosphere is everywhere: here, the journey is not only culinary. Your whole being will literally be transported to the east. La Menthe Douce unveils treasures of Moroccan cuisine.

7.1 km

Trattoria Quattro

7.1 km

The Trattoria Quattro is the story of four brothers and sisters (Gianni, Paolo, Fiona and Flavio) in love with cooking and Italy who have taken the challenge to open a warm Italian restaurant.
Nacional Trattoria

7.4 km

Family style restaurant.