Fairfield Inn & Suites Wilkes-Barre Scranton

Welcome to Fairfield Inn & Suites Wilkes-Barre Scranton

Recharge in Wilkes-Barre, PA

Make yourself at home amidst modern and inviting décor in our hotel rooms and suites in Wilkes-Barre
After a busy day in Wilkes-Barre, return to your hotel room and stretch out on plush bedding
Catch the news, sports or your favorite movie on your flat-screen TV, with a variety of HD channels
Browse local attractions or take care of work commitments; our rooms and suites provide free Wi-Fi
Conveniences like microwaves and refrigerators make your stay in Wilkes-Barre even more comfortable
With suites accommodating up to 5 guests, we are an ideal spot for families or group travelers

Book this hotel and join Marriott Bonvoy free at checkout.

Please note: all room sizes are approximate.

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